12 Week Coaching Program
Is it hard for you to articulate what drives you or what your goals are? Coaching is a fantastic way of exploring yourself to find answers to these and many more valuable questions and ultimately achieving your best personal flavour of life.
A coach wants you to succeed in achieving your own brand of success by being a professional sounding board as well as supporting and challenging your perspectives and actions without any of their own agenda. By partnering with a coach, you are investing in your future and increasing the colour and flavour of your desired journey of change.
Through my experience as a coach and my own personal development, I have seen how it can be hard to articulate what drives us and where we want to go in life. I have pulled together valuable techniques and steps in finding out what makes you tick.
This program consists of 7 sessions combined to make 10 hours over 12 weeks. The first three sessions introduce and explore a few tools to set your groundwork and defining your best flavour of life. The remaining 4 session are there to support and challenge you as needed in your journey to bringing your desired changes to fruition. Below is more detail on what to expect form the 12 week program.
Session 1: Finding what drives you (3 hours)
This is an intense session sharing stories and insights in what your journey to the current day has stuck with you and forms the foundations of your values system that ultimately drives your motivation. Exploring, capturing and starting to understand what drives you is key to reality checking your roles and goals going forward.
Session 2: Defining and exploring your roles (1.5 hours)
As you go through life you wear different hats and most days you will wear multiple hats from one task to the next. All the shifting gears through the day it is easy to lose touch with the collection of hats you wear. This session focusses on taking an honest look at all the hats you wear and how to capture them in roles that you can authentically own and link to what drives you. This is important in understanding the landscape that you want to design your goals.
Session 3: Goal setting (1.5 hours)
Goal setting can often be a seemly easy idea but difficult to implement and follow through. This session builds on the foundation of understanding what drives you and the landscape of your roles. Identifying your goals through a process of reflecting on what is going well and where you would like things to be different is engaging and energising. From identifying your goals, you will prioritise them and identify your steps to living your best personal flavour of life.
Sessions 4 – 7: Coaching sessions (1 hour each)
These sessions are to support and challenge your experience of achieving your goals. These sessions are staggered to best suit your needs in moving forward.
This 12 week program is R9000​/ £1125/ €1295/ $1395
for a total of 10 hours over 7 sessions. If you would like to discuss or negotiate payment terms, please feel free to connect with me.
* If you truly cannot afford these investments and are truly motivated to find and live your personal flavour of life, please email me at andrew@evokeunlimited.net so we can negotiate an investment that is possible for you. While I run a business, I believe that money should not be an additional obstacle. I reserve capacity for discounted and pro bono sessions and reserve the right to allocate them after consultation. ​
First Step
To get started on living your best personal flavour of life, book a chemistry session for us to meet and discuss what you want to achieve. We will use this time to explore your topic and desired outcomes, answer any questions regarding coaching and how you want to move forward.
This is a first step and once-off session for you to test the coaching waters. Connect with me if you have any questions, please let me know, I am happy to be of service.