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Evolve & live

into your

professional flavour

Which of these speaks to you?

*These are loosely based on M. Mazetti's 3 stages of development & common themes brought to coach supervision, these are not an exhaustive scope of topics/themes


"When I coach, at times I feel in flow & other where I am ticking the boxes, I sense I am missing 'the mark'... I know what 'should' be happening but I don't always see it happening"


"I connect well with my clients and at times I feel limited to show my true potential... when I show my true colours I feel like I have over shared"


"I am experienced at coaching, I am confident in my approach with my clients & at times I sense I am going beyond my methodologies"

"The swiftest way to triple your success is to double your investment in personal development"

Robin Sharma

How Coach Supervision can help you:


Coach Supervision explores your comfort & ability to show up as coach. it is a resource of practice development, reflective practice & enhancing safety.


I co-create with you a safe space to be curious about what hooks you & what empowers you.


The more you know what hooks you into trying to get 'it right' & what invites you into flow, the more you are able to show up as coach.


Coach Supervision enhances professional & personal reflective practice to see where you  may resonate with or be triggered by your clients work.


I explore with you from a place of curiosity where your personal stuff maybe showing up in your professional space.


Your ability to know where your 'stuff' starts & ends increases your comfort & confidence to allow your flavour to shine.


Coach Supervision is a co-creative space to explore & develop new thinking & behaviours that go beyond technique.


I invite you into a safe space of not knowing to be curious of what is newly emerging for you.


the permission to explore & develop your professional practice beyond technique is a potency that allows you to truly journey with your clients in the here & now.

"A year from now you will wish you had started today"

Karen Lamb

If you are committed to enhancing your professional practice through Coach Supervision that meets your where you are at on your coaching journey, book you free discovery call now.

Coach Supervision Options:

1:1 Coach Supervision

This offers 1-to-1 Coach Supervision to meet you where you are at on your journey:


  • 1 hour sessions

  • Total number of sessions to be decided together

  • Online (Zoom)

  • Investment* (per hour session):

    • R1200​

    • £150

    • €170

    • $180

Group Coach Supervision

This offers an opportunity to connect with and learn from a peer group, while still having the opportunity for you to do valuable development:


  • Format and dates under review

  • Contact me to indicate your interest.

* If you truly cannot afford these investments and are truly motivated to find and live your personal flavour of life, please email me at so we can negotiate an investment that is possible for you. While I run a business, I believe that money should not be an additional obstacle. I reserve capacity for discounted and pro bono sessions and reserve the right to allocate them after consultation.

Book your free discovery call now


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