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Coach Supervision
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What is Coach Supervision?

Coach supervision is essential part of "sharpening your saw" and "filling your cup" as a coach. It is the most valuable step in continuous professional development that creates a learning environment to explore and grow your potency as a coach.


Supervision is a place to be curious about where your personal is getting in the way of your professional, potential patterns with clients and what enables you when things are going well. It is a form of professional reflection.


Getting started

Supervision conducted 1-to-1 or as a group of up to 6 people. Each format offers certain benefits, 1-to-1 often offers the opportunity to dive a bit deeper on presenting topics and group offers a wonderful opportunity to share insights and learning with trusted peers. It is your choice as to what suits you best.


Book a free chemistry session now if you are interested in starting 1-to-1 supervision, starting or join a supervision group or to find out more, connect with me.

Coach Supervision Rates

My rates are calculated to be as consistent as possible across currencies. If your currency is not shown please feel free to connect with me to clarify.


My coach supervision rates are presented at three price points for individual sessions and a per person group rate. The three price points is an endeavour to ensure accessibility and it is for you to self-allocate based on your level of experience, level at which you coach and rate at which you charge. My commitment to you and the fulfillment of each agreement is 100% at each price point. If you feel there is not a price point that best suits you at this time, please contact me to discuss further.


Individual Coach Supervision Rates (60min):

Price Point 1: R1200 / £65 / €75 / $85

Price Point 2: R1700 / £90 / €105 / $115

Price Point 3: R2200 / £115 / €135 / $150


Group Coach Supervision Rate:

Members: Min 4 (2hrs) Max 6 (3hrs)

R800 / £45 / €50 / $55 (per session)


If you are interested in engaging with me, I offer a complimentary first session (60min) to clarify any questions.


Connect with me if you are interested in starting 1-to-1 supervision, starting or joining a supervision group or to find out more.

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